Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Photo Editing

Originally I took an image of my brother and is friend Nate thinking I was going to edit an energy ball hitting my brother. 
But then I thought If I’m going to try something crazy why not add a cliff in the mix!? 
In the end I created a fight scene in which my brother friend sends him flying off the cliffs edge with bolts of lightning shooting from his hands, cool right?


For one of our assignments, we made a powerpoint or slideshow showing different rules of photography. This was a fun exercise because photography has always been something I am interested in. In addition to finding some great examples of photography online using Google Images, we were able to take the pictures ourselves and create a slideshow out of them. I used slideshare.com to upload my slideshow and embed it here. Hope you enjoy!



Below you will find a video I made for this class instructing on how to replace a BlueRay drive in a PS3. Fixing electronics is something I felt very confident in and it was a learning experience editing the video, adding transitions, adding music, creating a voice over, etc. This was a great accomplishment.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Cloud Computing Services

Name of Service

How Much Storage Capacity for Free?

Can you download a drive to your computer?

How Much is the Upgrade Price to Pro or more storage?

Google Drive

7 Gigabytes


Storage:   Monthly Rate:

100 GB      $1.99

1 TB           $9.99

10 TB         $99.99

20 TB         $199.99

30 TB         $299.99

Microsoft Sky Drive

15 Gigabytes

Yes – If you consider OneDrive capability it seems like this is possible using offline-file functionality

50% off for 2.50 Monthly for 1 Terabyte


2 Gigabytes


Dropbox basic plus gives you 1 TB of space for $9.99 a month


2 Gigabytes


$15.99 for the professional plan provides unlimited storage and more expensive plans provide additional branding and user options




Free for a limited time

As my table speaks for itself I’m not going to spend a whole lot of time explaining each cloud service; however after reviewing them I think my favorite is probably Dropbox. While this may seem surprising in the end I found this to be one of the best for me mainly due to the fact that getting more space for free is not impossible. As far as I can tell every other service has a set amount of free space one can acquire unless you pay more money. This may not be true for justcloud.com, however this site is newer and could easily drop its promotion for unlimited free space after you’ve taking the time to set up shop so to speak making in convenient to choose a different service. Dropbox on the other hand will give you additional storage space for referring your friend, completing their “get started” guide, and even by sending them feedback. This is nice not only because you are getting more space for free, but this is space you keep and continue to not pay for and in my book any service that continues to give you more for free without nickel and diming you is good to me. It also helps that they are rated as one of the most reliable services out there.

QR Code

For this QR Code, I picked a couple websites I thought would be fun to share. The first code leads to a neat youtube video called "Life after death by PowerPoint" by Don McNillan. Back during a computer college level course I took, they showed us a comedic example of what not to do on a power point. We all thought it was hilarious and I wanted to share the wise advise from this video.

This next little QR COde will take you to a clue to guess my favorite Japanese restaurant in the Salt Lake area. Thought it would be a fun message to include in the blog. Good luck!!

Google Calendar

I embedded this calendar by going to Calendar Settings and grabbing the embedding code. Then I clicked on the HTML tab next to "compose" and pasted the code. I think that this feature along with the ability to share your calendar would be really helpful within a business. It will keep everyone in sync and is easy to access even from your smart phone. Another great feature about Google Calendars is the ability to set reminders which can be sent to email addresses, phones, and be linked to other websites. This tool will come in handy for my future.