Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Photo Editing

Originally I took an image of my brother and is friend Nate thinking I was going to edit an energy ball hitting my brother. 
But then I thought If I’m going to try something crazy why not add a cliff in the mix!? 
In the end I created a fight scene in which my brother friend sends him flying off the cliffs edge with bolts of lightning shooting from his hands, cool right?


For one of our assignments, we made a powerpoint or slideshow showing different rules of photography. This was a fun exercise because photography has always been something I am interested in. In addition to finding some great examples of photography online using Google Images, we were able to take the pictures ourselves and create a slideshow out of them. I used slideshare.com to upload my slideshow and embed it here. Hope you enjoy!



Below you will find a video I made for this class instructing on how to replace a BlueRay drive in a PS3. Fixing electronics is something I felt very confident in and it was a learning experience editing the video, adding transitions, adding music, creating a voice over, etc. This was a great accomplishment.